KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link:

Legacy Group

Legacy Group Meeting: Building Wealth and Creating Your Legacy is waht we are about. Ask Ken about being invited to this group.

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link:

KWRS Company Picnic!!!

5851 Allerton Dr, Rockford, IL

Let's celebrate the end of summer with some family fun. Come to Creekside where we will have a grill out, park, tennis courts. We will kick off at 6pm. and finish off with a bonfire.

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link:

Contract Q&A Zoom

Do you have questions about the new Contracts?  Jump on Zoom and ask away - or just jump on and learn something you didn't know you didn't know! For event details click this link:

WI Core 4: Real Life Scenarios


For All Agents New to KWRS or newly licensed in WIRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core 1:  CMAsCore 2:  Writing OffersCore 3:  Completing ListingsCore 4:  Real Life Scenarios.

IL Core 4: Real Life Scenarios

For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in ILRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core 1:  CMAsCore 2:  Writing OffersCore 3:  Completing ListingsCore 4:  Real Life Scenarios.

KWRS compliance: New Steps to get Paid!

A new step has been added to your commissions.  Please attend so you know how to get paid! For event details click this link:

Never Ending Referrals Session 2: Social Media


Session 2:  EMBRACE YOUR BEHAVIOR / SOCIAL MEDIASucceeding with YOUR Natural Behavior Market of the Moment Conversations Active Listening Social Media for the Database Warrior Ranking Your Relationships Your Nurture Bucket CRM Workout - Categories / TagsPlease attend in person, if you absolutely cannot Zoom is available and cameras are required to be on.

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