Rainmaker Forum – By Invitation


Top 10 Hiring Do's & Don'ts for the Business OwnersSuggested ReadingsFierce Conversations by Susan ScottThe art of talking so that people will listen by Paul SwetsHow to get your point across in 30 seconds or less by Milo Frank

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link: https://www.facebook.com/mapscoaching

Legacy Group

Legacy Group Meeting: Building Wealth and Creating Your Legacy is what we are about. Ask Ken about being invited

Never Ending Referrals Session 3: B2B

BUSINESS TO BUSINESS / WINNING THE POSITIONING BATTLEFeeding Your Database Quality Contacts B2B and Your Database5-Star ConversationWhy the 8X8 (aka 7 to Cement)Winning the Positioning BattleEight Touches to ImpressOpen to ALL Agents! Please attend in person.  If you absolutely cannot, Zoom is available and your camera is required to be on.

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link: https://www.facebook.com/mapscoaching

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link: https://www.facebook.com/mapscoaching

Contract Q&A Zoom

Do you have questions about the new Contracts?  Jump on Zoom and ask away - or just jump on and learn something you didn't know you didn't know! For event details click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpf-6vqzgoGdImdV1pv2A3F5ibIjfxEw55

Core 1: IL & WI CMA’s

Fine-tune your CMA skills!  This class is good for both buyer and seller agents.  

Never Ending Referrals Session 4: Client Events


Session 4: CLIENT EVENTS & PARTIES - IT'S NOT ABOUT THE PARTY!Mega Agent Interview Playlist Contests / Giveaways Building a Tribe / CommunityOpen to ALL Agents!Please attend in person.  If you absolutely cannot Zoom is available and your camera is required to be on.

KW Recon Role Play


Hone your skills by watching or participating in morning scripts & dialogs with other KW Agents around the country. For event details click this link: https://www.facebook.com/mapscoaching

ALC Members Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of our Associate Leadership Council Members.  Open to all agents to attend and observe only.

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