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IL Core 4: Real Life Scenarios


For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in ILRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core 1:  CMAsCore 2:  Writing OffersCore 3:  Completing ListingsCore 4:  Real Life Scenarios.

KW Tech Training


Training around KW Tech

Weekly PC Duals Mastermind/Training


Weekly Masterminds and Training!Please attend in person as much as possible!  For event details click this link:

KWRS Team Meeting

All Offices / Zoom

Team Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 11:00 - 12:00.  Meetings may include Company & Industry UpdatesBroker UpdatesGuest SpeakersTech TrainingProperty Promotingand More! For event details click this link:

WI Envoy Mortgage Finance Training


Join the Envoy Mortgage team as they dive deeper into some of their special financing options, aimed at solving the challenges of today’s home buyers. The more you know about these unique loan programs, the better you will be able to assist your clients with their biggest concerns!Topics: IHDA and RPS205 GrantsBridge Loan FinancingInterest Rate […]

Finance Matters #2: Business Entities


Understanding the different Business Entities and what's best for your business. For event details click this link:

IL Envoy Mortgage Finance Training


Join the Envoy Mortgage team as they dive deeper into some of their special financing options, aimed at solving the challenges of today’s home buyers. The more you know about these unique loan programs, the better you will be able to assist your clients with their biggest concerns!Topics: IHDA and RPS205 GrantsBridge Loan FinancingInterest Rate […]

Zoom Career Night


Grow Your Downline by inviting someone you know to our monthly Zoom Career Night.  For event details click this link:

KW Wealth / Open to Everyone

Discussions on "Tough Money" this is a series of open conversation and exercises around being in the top 10% of our country in income, $150,000 is your goal. Open to everyone.