PC Mastermind

Weekly Mastermind with agents in the Mentorship and PC Coaching program!   For event details click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84964706905

PC Mastermind

Weekly Mastermind with agents in the Mentorship and PC Coaching program!   For event details click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84964706905

Special IALC Teleconference Meeting

Rockford/KW Connect

I write to follow-up on my March 29th notice to the IALC members in which I called for a vote, pursuant to the Policies & Guidelines Manual (“P&G”), Section 4.7, to decide whether to rescind the IALC’s August 2023 vote that approved Proposal 1, Part 1.  Specifically, the proposal that revised P&G, Section, for Vested […]

Tech with Spencer

Tech Time with Spencer ScheduleMondays: Tech Essentials 1:00-2:00Tech Time Q&As 2:00-3:00Thursdays:Tech Time Q&A's 11:00-1:00


Thirsty Thursday!

Come network and relax with your fellow KW Agents!

Tech Drop In

Bring your Tech Questions or Issues!

IL & WI Core 1: CMAs

For All Agents New to KWRSRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core 1:  CMAsCore 2:  Writing OffersCore 3:  Completing ListingsCore 4:  Real Life Scenarios.

Broker Hour

Open Door Broker Q&A's Time!If you have questions or want to meet with Jennifer to go over contracts this is your time!  She is also available for phone call questions this is just a time to sit down with her and meet.

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