KW Tech Drop-In
JanesvilleBring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
FOR AGENTS IN IL & WI!Fine-tune your CMA skills! This class is good for both buyer and seller agents. For All Agents New to KWRS or newly licensed in both states. […]
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Monday's at Noon!
An overview of KW Google Hub
Perform.OrganizeWin.Engage.Rev Up.P.O.W.E.R. is a series where we dive into fundamentals around Growth, Mindset, Lead Gen, Marketing, Presentations, and so much more.Agents in Coaching & Mentoring are required to attend. Open to […]
Old McLarson had a Farm - Farming
An overview of KW Google Hub
Old McLarson had a Farm - Farming
How to use AI in your real estate business. For event details click this link:
Todays focus is on "What is your financial freedom number" and how it effects the 5 keys areas of your life.Zoom; on "Tough Money" this is a series of […]
Required for all agents in Mentoring and PC Coaching. For event details click this link: