KW Tech Drop-In
JanesvilleBring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in ILRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core […]
For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in WIRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core […]
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Monday's at Noon!
Bring your lunch and let's go through Gary's Family Reunion Slides!
Perform.OrganizeWin.Engage.Rev Up.P.O.W.E.R. is a series where we dive into fundamentals around Growth, Mindset, Lead Gen, Marketing, Presentations, and so much more.Agents in Coaching & Mentoring are required to attend. Open to […]
Spend part of your day focused on Lead Generation with your fellow Agents.CallsBingoPrizesLunchOpen to ALL Agents!
Talent is the #1 ingredient to success.Career Visioning provides proven hiring systems to ensure that the best and the brightest - the candidates more likely to succeed in the role […]
Topic: I DO Have Time for That!” Getting more of what you want out of life through time management
KWRS Leadership Staff Meeting