Tough Money U Series

Rockford / Zoom

This series will run once a month after the second team meeting (4th Tuesday of each month) and will repeat each quarter.Session 1 Financial Freedom:Financial Education/Awareness/Saving Session 2 Financial Safety:  Debt and InsuranceSession […]

KW Tech Essentials


For event details click this link:

P.O.W.E.R Series

Rockford / Zoom

Perform.OrganizeWin.Engage.Rev Up.P.O.W.E.R. is a series where we dive into fundamentals around Growth, Mindset, Lead Gen, Marketing, Presentations, and so much more.Agents in Coaching & Mentoring are required to attend.  Open to […]

KW Tech Drop-In


Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!

KW Tech Drop-In


Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Monday's at Noon!

KW Tech Essentials


For event details click this link:

KW Tech Drop-In


Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!

KW Tech Drop-In


Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Monday's at Noon!

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