KW Tech Drop-In
JanesvilleBring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Fridays at Noon!
A fun night out with some great prizes!
For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in ILRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core […]
For All Agents & TC's New to KWRS or newly licensed in WIRequirement for Agents in Mentoring and as directed by their Coach.Open to all agents who want a refresher Core […]
Bring your Tech Questions, Issues and things you want to learn about!Monday's at Noon!
Perform.OrganizeWin.Engage.Rev Up.P.O.W.E.R. is a series where we dive into fundamentals around Growth, Mindset, Lead Gen, Marketing, Presentations, and so much more.Agents in Coaching & Mentoring are required to attend. Open to […]
Team Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 11:00 - 12:00. Meetings may include Company & Industry UpdatesBroker UpdatesGuest SpeakersTech TrainingProperty Promotingand More! For […]
Rescheduled from Feb 25th due to the Internet outage. This series will run once a month after the second team meeting (4th Tuesday of each month) and will repeat each quarter.Session […]
For event details click this link:
Open to everyone. We are reviewing the HOLD book. Understand investment opportunities. Real life examples and studies.
Required for all agents in Mentoring and PC Coaching.   For event details click this link: